ARTIS <> Ethereum Bridges

ARTIS uses the TokenBridge developed by POA Network to connect EVM-compatible blockchains.

TokenBridge / OmniBridge

You can find detailed information about the way it works here.

ATS <> ATS20 on Ethereum Bridge

Simple Transfer - Send ATS20 from Ethereum to ARTIS ∑1 and receive ATS

You have to send your ATS20 tokens via a bridge contract to the ARTIS ∑1 blockchain and there you will get the ATS coins. This ATS coins will be received on the same address as used on the Ethereum mainnet.

Send the desired ATS20 token amount to the bridge contract at: 0xEfc737ECE4098B8e4AA7D6029EFC29880f7DAe24

  • Minimum transfer amount: 0.5 ATS20

  • Gas Limit: min. 110,000

Simple Transfer - Send ATS from ARTIS ∑1 chain to Ethereum mainnet and receive ATS20

Due to the planned transition towards ARTIS 2.0, it is NOT recommended to move ATS to the Ethereum mainnet!

You have to send your ATS coins via a bridge contract to the Ethereum mainnet and there you will get the ATS20 tokens. This ATS20 tokens will be received on the same address as used on the ARTIS ∑1 blockchain.

Send the desired ATS coin amount to the bridge contract at: 0xA6fecAec16A8eEe9A3eF8eADa79FB244f493E33b

  • Minimum transfer amount: 1000 ATS

  • Gas Limit: min. 200,000

DAI <> sDAI on ARTIS Bridge

PLY <> PLY on ARTIS Bridge

Last updated